I was so tired after teaching 9 classes on wednesday - I slept for 10 hours! Even today, I'm still a little tired. Only had 3 classes today, which was nice.

Starting to learn 8번 in 검도 today... I think this one is going to be more difficult that 7번 ^^

태진아... I finally wrote back to you... I will send you my letter tomorrow. I hope you are going well in 강원도 with your military service.

Really looking forward to my vacation... ^^

I had a really good day today. New Timetable for work, and 검도 was good too. I feel a little sore after 검도, which I think is good ;)

I had a great weekend with HP (현필) ^^ Thanks for visiting me in my sleepy town (especially on sunday - haha). It was good to hang out with you and spend some time with you... See you in a couple of weeks ;)

If I get up early enough, I might go into 광주 for some shopping tomorrow, before I start work tomorrow afternoon.

I feel so tired... so drained...

I think it has to do with the following things:

*only eating instant noodles (라면) in my 40 minute break between my classes...
*having 7 classes in one day
*not being able to sleep because of the weather
*having a big emotional chat with my girlfriend last night

i've got 5 classes today, then 검도 training. Feeling really tired... and all t he rain is so crap... argh!

t's been a week since I wrote here, so, thought I should write something to fill it up ;)

Well... let me just think about what has happened in the last week...

Heaps of places in Korea, have been getting heaps of rain, since its the raining season... Pretty much not a good idea to go to Gangwon-do (강원도) or Gyeongnam (경남) because of all the rain. Over the long weekend (15, 16, and 17), many places got heaps of rain, but here in my town, didn't really get any rain until yesterday. But, the amount of rain we had here, was nowhere the amount that other places have had.

Like I mentioned before, the 15th, 16th and 17th, was a long weekend here in Korea. I don't have any money, so I didn't go anywhere... and with all the rain, it probably wasn't a good idea to travel anywhere anyway. I get paid this week (tomorrow ^^), so, i'm really looking forward to that... Kinda need money...

Work is going okay. I bought some new books for the middle school classes, and tried them out last week, it went well. I tried using one of the books with the grade 6 class, but, didn't really work... I thought that some would be able to handle it, but, not many (about 2 or 3 out of 10 actually were able to do it okay)... so, i will go back to using the other things for them.

Hyunpil is coming to stay on the weekend, which is cool. But, I think its going to be raining alot this weekend... So, not sure what we can do. I will take him downtown, and maybe check my Korea travelguide book on places we can go. Then, maybe, when we get back to my town, we can go to a bar and have a few drinks ;)

I've got 3 days holiday soon, from work... Including the weekend, it will be 5 days. Still not 100% sure what I wil be doing for that, but there are many friends that I would like to spend time with and catch up with... Also, the other foriegn teacher in my town, is leaving in about 1 or 2 months, and we get along really well - we were thinking that we might do something together, but not 100% sure... we will talk about that later.

My weekend in 대구 was really good... except for all the rain. The typhoon came though my province on monday night/tuesday morning, but wasn't really all that scary. It only woke me up once... But it was really bad for other places in Korea.

I went shopping in 광산 with my 검도 teacher. I bought a few books for work (and a poster), and then some other things from Lotte mart. Then I had 7 classes. I used some of the new books for my classes, and it went really well ;)

Got a long weekend this weekend (got the monday off), but not going anywhere special, since i dont have any money. Next weekend, 현필 is coming to visit me, so that will be fun ^^

I got a package from Australia today ;) Some nice Australian chocolate (sorry Korea... Australia chocolate is so much better than Korean chocolate ^^), and some CD's from home. I got 5 CD's of music that I made, when i was remixing and making music. It was so good to hear that again ^^

After having a break from 검도 for about a week and a half, it is making me tired very quickly. I was meant to learn 7번 today, but I was too tired, after warming up! haha! So, i told 관장님, tomorrow is better ;)

Going to 대구 this weekend, to meet Trevor and his girlfriend... and also to meet my girlfriend ^^ hehe

Today was an okay day at work. Only 3 classes, and then helped one of my students, who will give a small speech infront of his class tomorrow ;) I'm in the PC방 now, waiting for 검도 to start.

Re-formatted my iPod on the weekend. it took a long time to copy, re-format, reload and back up my iPod! But, now that its done, its running alot better ;)

I'm really looking forward to the next package from home... There will be some CD's in there (Pet Shop Boys / Fundamental and ATB in the Mix 3) including 5 CD's or songs i've made and/or remixed ;) And some australian chocolate ^^

I didn't go to Seoul this weekend. Yesterday morning, I woke up at 7am, and my back was so sore! It mush have been the way I slept, but I couldn't move properly. I was also feeling tired, and a litle bit sick. So, I had to send a text message to 현민형, and tell him that I can't come to Seoul. Lucky that I didn't go, because my back got worse, and I couldn't stand up properly last night. All I could do was sleep.

But today, my back feels better. It was a little sore this morning, so I just kept sleeping, and now it feels better. I can stand up without it hurting, but I didn't want to risk it. I didn't want to go into Gwangju with Akil, and then have my back siese up on me.

Its been one month (30 days) since my gilfriend and I have been together ^^ I'm so happy ^^