I got back from Seoul last night, at about 9:50pm. Left Seoul in the afternoon, and went to Emart for a bit of shopping. I found some (expensive) Salami and some Camambert cheese, and some dry biscuits to put it on... Something I haven't eaten for a long time.

I had a really good time in Seoul with my friend. We spent time in COEX mall (which was busy, but was good - I almost bought a notebook bag, and I wanted to buy some Noise reducing headphones, but didn't - maybe next time), and watched the korean movie 괴물. It was the first time I watched a Korean movie at the cinema (because they dont have English subtitles in the cinema). I have different interpretations of the film because, I was paying attention to other details of the film, rather than the dialogue, since I didn't understand most of it... It was a very easy film to follow for me - very predictable.

Went to 교보 bookstore in 광화문 as well... it was okay, a little busy. Found that Se7en has re-released his 3rd album, with a DVD of a 2006 Concert, Photobook and something else that is a bonus. I like Se7en, but not enough to buy it again :p

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