I got two second chairs from a PC room here in my town. They're really comfortable, but they smell so bad - like stale cigarette smoke. I bought some stuff to spray on the chair, to try to remove the smell, but I will see how it goes. I will leave it outside on the balcony for a day, and see what happens.

I got a letter in the mail form my grandma yesterday. Its really cool that she writes letters. I have been meaning to write back, but it takes some time. so, i might do it later ^^ Also, my mum sent me a package yesterday, so it should arrive at the end of this week, or the start of next week.

I will go to Daegu this weekend for Kangmo's birthday. I will get to meet some of his friends (including a cute and smart girl ^^ hehe), so that will be fun ^^ Kangmo and I are really good friends ^^

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