Weekend in Changwon

I came to 창원 yesterday, and met 수진. It was good to see her again. We tried to find some good shoes at the 뉴코아 아울렛 (New Core Outlet), but, the ones that I liked didn't have my size in stock (I need 290 or 300mm). But, after we watched the movie, I decided on buying some shoes that I liked, in which I saw them before. But, my credit card didn't work. I don't kno why, but some places in Korea don't accept Foreign Credit Cards, so its rather annoying. Some places, I have no problem, but other places, well... It just doesn't work. They appear on my credit card bill/statement for a few days, and then they dissapear, because it didn't work. Anyway, I had to pay cash, so I might have to cancel my idea about going to Seoul next week.

Anyway, 수진 and I watched 전설의고향 (Folk takle's Birthplace) at 창원 CGV. For me, it wasn't really scary, but 수진 had her eyes covered for a part of the movie... hehe. I have seen enough asian horror movies, to understand the direction, plot lines, sound design, and other things, so its not scary for me, and its also some what predictable (예상할수있다), but I do like the genre of asian horror films, so it was okay ^^

After the movie, 수진 had to go to meet her mother, so, I went back and bought my new shoes. I will upload a photo of them soon. When I was shopping 현필 tried to call me, but I didn't hear my phone, because it was set to manner mode. 나는 쇼핑을 열심히 힜서 못 듣었어 / 드렀어? (which is the correct spelling for "heard:?) ㅋㅋㅋ But, they found me in the Nike store at New Core Outlet by chance ^^ I bought these really cool blue and yellow shoes, which i really liked the design of. In an adidas shop, I saw these really cool boots, that looked a little like space boots, but they didn't have my size! Also, at the nike store, I bought a yellow sleaveless shirt, which fit me well. If I lose some more weight, it will fit even better :p

After that, 현필, 연실 and I went to Homeplus and ate dinner, and then we came back to 현필's house, because he wanted to watch the soccer game between Korea and the Netherlands...

I had a strange dream last night, something about Korea being taken over by russians, but it happened quickly. I was on a vacation for a weekend, like I normally do, but I had a few students with me, and while we were away, Russians took over Korea, and it was really strange.... Anyway, I woke up and thought... wow... strange ;)

The new bus terminal in 창원 is really cool too. I don't have to travel to 마산 anymore, if I want to come to 창원 ^^

현필 got out of the shower, so i'd better go and annoy him :p

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