Last Night

Pizza: 6,000 won ($6)
Cheese Spaghetti: 4,000 won ($4)

Pizza place's name: priceless

(Yeah, I know it doesn't say "gut" in Korean, but still made me laugh.


Jacki said...

"Gut" also means "Good" in German, so it can be "Good Pizza" :)

앤디오빠 said...

Ah, okay. Didn't know that.

Thanks ^^

Banannas said...

yep, the korean pronunciation is imitating the german. as in "guten morgen" or "guten tag". muahaha!

don't worry, i also read "pizza gut" and laughed cuz...really, i'm from Texas, ya'll, and there ain't no pizza guts here. just soju bellies.