You can smell it in the air... the smell of fresh Kimchi being made! haha. I went to a friends house today, and they were making Kimchi - like an annual Kimchi party. Heaps of women sitting round, coating a type of cabbage with hot spicy stuff, mixed with onions and other stuff i dont know... tastes okay though ;)
Still a bit sore from Komdo, but, its okay. It's been a week, and its a real workout... hehe. As koreans say "its good for your health".
I got electructed while changing a light thursday night. From a light socket that was turned off! That's three things I've found dodgy with my apartment: Hot water service (that's fixed), the toilet that can't handle any amount of toilet paper whatsoever, and now a faulty light socket. So, wasn't really in a good mood thursday night.
to be honest, haven't really been having a good week, but ended okay. Kinda annoys me that the middle school children complained to the boss that I was making things too easy, and when I give them work to do, they complain anyway. I guess, they like to work, but not too hard... lol

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