
There are certain truths in life: the biggest one is: eventually, you're gonna die. You just don't know how, when, on by who/whom/what/whatever.

Another one, that has just occurred to me (which I have learned may times before, but it's one I seem to forget) is that "eventually, everyone is gonna disappoint you, or fuck you over". It depends on who, the relationship, and what they have disappointed or fucked you over about (and the size/complexity of it, and it's ramifications), and weather they have disappointed/fucked you over before in the past (and the size/complexity/quantity of those) as well.

But what can you do about it:

  1. If you're too pissed off to deal with it, walk away and compose yourself.  You don't wanna make a dick of yourself, because after all, you have integrity (unlike the person who has fucked you over).
  2. Walk away, and leave it.  You need to assess your damage, and also assess any potential damage to yourself, if you attempt to fuck their shit up just after they fucked your shit up.  Random outbursts rarely help.
  3. After walking away, and thinking about it, confront the person in a professional manner, and tell them why you were pissed off at the time, and see how they respond.  If you can make them more pissed off, and there is no cause for them being hostile, the better (witnesses are also good in this situation).
  4. When the time is right, after all things have been considered (including all contingencies and all "what if..." scenarios), fuck their shit up big time.  Remember, revenge is a dish best served cold, and when they least expect it.
Basically, knowing when to ignore and to retaliate, is better than just randomly reacting on anger.  Also, it's way more fun and enjoyable to plot and scheme your revenge.  You've seen the movies, look how much the bad guys enjoy it!

Also, it's great to be the bad guy, once in a while - especially when the other person so fucking deserves it *^^*

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