Just to give you an idea of the traffic. A direct bus from Seoul to Jangseong takes 3 hours and 15 minutes. So, if the bus left at 8:00 am from Seoul, it should have arrived in Jangseong at 11:15. Not this weekend. The 8:00 am bus arrived at Jangseong at 3:20. That's an 8 hour 20 minute bus ride!
That is why I don't travel during Chuseok!
So, like I said, went to watch Bangkok Dangerous at the cinema. Just as the number came around to go to the box office to buy the ticket, the staff had a laugh at the girl behind the counter who was going to have to serve the foreigner. All I had to do was say "안녕하세요" (hello) to get the usual 한국말 잘하시네요 (you speak Korean well comment). Must have totally blew her mind when I told her which seat I wanted, and told her that I prefer to sit close to the screen. Then I went to buy the popcorn. The guy that served me didn't do the usual quick bow, he did the "if the counter wasn't in the way i'd be on my knees" bow. After I bought some popcorn and some cider, he said to the other guys behind the counter "I haven't bowed like this since I was in school" (that's what I thought he said anyway). He was being overly respectful.
After that, i found a Holly's Coffee cafe, and sat down with a Iced Green Latte, in which the next morning, didn't agree with me. I brought my computer with me so that I could chill in a coffee shop before the movie, but with going to downtown, and then going to Sangmu, it was just easier to wait at the cinema and play Spore on my iPod. It's the first time an Iced Greet Tea Latte has disagreed with me.
Sunday - just hung out at home. Decided to go though a bit of my stuff, and throw a few things in the direction of my suitcase, since they will be going in the suitcase in 34 days time. For about 20 mins in the morning, I was thinking to myself, did I take my blood pressure meds or not, and I seriously had no idea. I decided not to take them, just incase I had already taken them. But, just incase i didn't i decided to keep up the water intake (that helps) and just take it easy. Eventually, it got boring, so I went out to find some dinner. What was open in my town: A restaurant. The Family Mart. 3 bars. The 3 PC bangs. The billards halls. The bakery. That was about it. So, not many options. Decided to get Dolsotbibimbap, which made be very full, and on the way home, I checked out the mini festival that was at the middle/high school in town.
A couple of ex-students (now in high school) saw me, and said hi. I saw the Hapkido teacher there too, and said hi. I was there for about 5 minutes, but it was a bit boring.
It still baffles me. I'm in a country that is one seventy-sixth of the size of Australia, but with a population that is over 2 times the amount of Australia, and I feel lonely. So, I just left. One thing that did cheer me up was a surprise call from HP. You know you've got good friends when they check up on you because they think you're lonely.
I'm thinking about going into Gwangju tomorrow again, since staying home for a 2nd day in a row would turn me in-fucking-sane! Might go and see 울학교 이티. I'm not 100% sure on the plot, but I think a ganster has to infiltrate a high school, by impersonating as an English Teacher, to find out some shit about some kids doing bad shit, or something or rather.
Like I said, it will get me out of the house ^^
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