If you're gonna fuck up...

...do it with class!

The Korean article about it, is here

Korea has had this coming for a long time. Yep, English does have a "long E" vowel sound, and now you know it, don't you! ㅋㅋㅋ

But, let's just treat this as a learning curve. Sure, there is a time for teasing and making fun of something or someone, and once we get past that, we can learn from it.

Here's how.

In the image below, it is just a simple translation, with the English and Korean words.

But the question I have for Lotte (or anyone else out there for that matter) is: How far you wanna take it? How far should the envelope be pushed? Well, I've come up with a solution for that too.

Here at andyinsk, options are always a good thing. So, here's five options (thanks to the help of a Korean friend) depending on how much you wish to insult your customers (who can actually read and understand English, and more specifically, read and understand the word "bitch").

If you're not a fan of foul language, I suggest that you don't click the image below.
욕이 싫으면, 아래 이미지를 클릭하지 마세요

* I've been advised that 악녀 is more of the "written voca" kind, but an equivalent of 악녀, in a spoken form, is 계집년. But, because it has a fairly weak meaning, it's not really an insult.


** This just a bit of fun, by the way. Nothing serious. If you're Korean (or anyone else who knows the Korean language), and insulted by bad language, well, I did warn you before clicking it. If you clicked it, and you're pissed off, you've only got yourself to blame.

** 당신는 이미지를 주의 읽은후에 크릭하고 모욕되면 andyinsk의 저자가 책임이 없어요.


T & A said...

When I was in Busan, they had a friendship festival banner up. It said the date it was on, but when it listed the actual place it said "Shower no. 1"
So lets all meet up for the friendship festival in Shower no. 1 on Busan Beach!!! Woo Hoo!!!
Or should that be Busan Bitch???

reijene said...


and still...