We need proof... in Korean! (aka Fuck That)

When the kids from yesterday's class came to the hagwon, I had my ammunition ready. Australia was 6th, Korea was 7th. But, did they believe me? Of course not! So, we turned on the computer, and went to wikipedia. But, the students didn't believe it because it was in English. So, we checked out the Medal Tally from Naver.com. Doesn't matter what language it's in. If you got beat, you got beat! *^^*

So then they started talking about how Park Taehwan got gold, and how Hackett finished 6th in the same race as Park. The "poor us" victim role was showing it's sorry face again, so my response: So what? (그래서 뭐?) Who cares? (누구 알게 뭐야?). My students know these ones. Taught them those specific sayings so they know what they're saying is irrelevant.

This is yet another pointless argument that I'm not going to use the magic "Rock Scissors Paper" on, coz I know I'm right. When you lose, you lose. Deal with it! haha

Me and Korean humour just don't gel well, especially when it's not funny. Today, I told the boss the results of emailing four people about my job, which were not all that positive, so this is what he says:

You can't leave until you fill your job!

(insert the fake "i'd better laugh at my boss' joke, even though I'd rather just tell him to fuck off)

So, he gives me his ID and password to the site where he's posted the job, and he wants me to find a replacement. This is the main reason why I bought my own ticket outta here on the day my visa expires. I told him a bit over 3 months ago, I'm not renewing my contract for a fourth year.

Three years in the Korean countryside, with 25 months of them being the only white guy in town. He's attempted to convince me to stay longer, with the incentive of "it's easier for you to renew than to get a new job, and it's easier for me too.". After three years in Korea, I need a break from it all. Also, with the new visa laws, I can't be bothered getting more paperwork sorted just to stay in this job. I've been a good, quiet, clean, little foreigner, behaving myself for three years, and now I gotta prove it with Korean-ish paperwork. Fuck that. If my job was worth staying in for a fourth year, I'd probably tolerate it.

Then there's the stupid PELT Exercise book that he's thrown to me, for one of the classes, which has more Korean in it than English, and is basically a watered down mix of TOEIC and IELTS anyway. Also, a student's mother telling the boss and his wife that she doesn't want her daughter in the classes with one of the boss' son, coz he's better at English and maths than her daughter. Fuck that.

I noticed something on the package of my bread rolls tonight, when I was getting stuck into my Campbell's Chunky Grilled Chicken soup...

Not sure what it means by "tasteful living". Is the Korean bread product judging me on my chosen lifestyle? Is some genius at the design company thinking tasteful has something to do with being tasty or delicious?

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