Quick Update

Rainy season has started here. Got caught in it yesterday, with no umbrella. Was a bit sunburnt after coming back from Gongju on the weekend, but my skin is back to normal now. Got a nice colour going as well (which is strange for koreans to figure out, they all want white skin. lol).

With only 4 months to go in Korea, i've still got some time left, but not much. There is still some stuff I wanna do and accomplish while I'm here, but no major pressure. If it happens, it happens. It not, no big deal. It's all cool.


kaye said...

i feel the same way... ^^

권투선수 에이미 [Amy] said...

I love it how your comment tab says "tasty snacks"... just how many calories and grams are in this "tasty snack"? Is it sugar-free?... hehehe.

Four more months, eh? Wow... time is a ticking. What's your plans for after Korea?