So Bored!

$4405.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth.


49% Geek

JustSayHi - Science Quiz


How Long Could You Survive Trapped In Your Own Home?
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

How long could you survive in the vacuum of space?


How many cannibals could your body feed?

337 WATTS Body Battery Calculator - Find Out How Much Electricity Your Body is Producing - OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Name That Robot

So, if a zombie situation breaks out, and I decide to escape to the moon, after surviving 92 days in my house, but I'd have to take all my Apple gear with me. Assuming that there are not any cannibalistic 5-year old kids on the moon, coz my body is enough to feed them for a while. But, with my robot, grade 8 science and nerdy knowledge, I might be able to get myself out of the situation... If robots were real.



ambearo said...

Oooh! I got 87% on the spelling test... ^^

Banannas said...

haha...i'm worth about $400 more than you as a cadaver...and i'm a 70% geek. dang i don't remember being that geeky...

i gotta try the spelling test next now...

Banannas said...

okay, i could only feed 10 cannibals, but i have perfect spelling skillz. i only have a 52% chance of surviving a zombie apocalypse, but i think it's more accurate to say i have a 30% chance. ㅎㅎ

앤디오빠 said...

I used to be a good speller when I was in Australia... but that was over 2 years ago.

Me's Englishes has wented downhills.