No matter what I do, i find that I can't get organised in Korea. As in "keeping things tidy and in their place" organised. I have concluded that it comes down to living in one room. Yes, I have a small, concrete room that I live in. Sure it is big enough, but I can't get things organised. Things don't have a place when your house is one room. In this one room, I eat, cook, sleep, use the computer, study, read, dry my clothes... everything. I need rooms to put things in. If I had a bedroom with a desk, then I could put stuff there. If I had a living room, the TV, some books and my computer could go there. If I had a real kitchen, the fridge and all the other stuff could go there. I have tried to keep stuff organised, but it doesn't happen.
I hurt my back on Monday at the gym, but I went to the gym on Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday I had no motivation at all, but still went. Only did 250 calories on the stepper and that was it. And today, with my back + no motivation, I didn't go. I think my back needs a rest to get better, because I don't think it is really healing.
Give your back a bit of rest, even a week won't hurt. It is actually advised to take breaks from the gym to let your body recover, then when you go back after a break you have more strength than before the break.
But I know it's hard to convince yourself to actually take that break. My knee has been aching since Saturday, but I am planning to do a leg workout today... I will though focus on less knee-intense exercises.
That's what I use the weekend for, resting. I do Geomfo on Saturdays, which isn't as intense as a gym
workout, and Sunday is totally free. I will go tomorrow though, don't wanna take too much time off from the gym.
I don't mean a normal weekly weekend rest, I mean additional rest :)
There is a lot of articles on overtraining, this one looks interesting:
Oh, and I decided to move the leg workout to Saturday -- I did biceps/forearms/abs instead.
It is healing itself now. don't worry too much.
When next monday comes, you will be able to work out for your back yes.. I think so.
Have good weekend, Andy.
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